Spreading Happiness: Ashland Garden Club’s Lonely Bouquet Event

Lonely Bouquet is a global movement which encourages people to create small bouquets with a thoughtful message attached, then leave these flowers in public spaces for others to find and keep. This simple act of kindness has the power to transform someone’s day, spreading happiness throughout communities.

On September 9, Ashland Garden Club members created 30 bouquets, and distributed them randomly throughout Ashland for residents to find.

Photos by: Carlotta Lucas, AGC Member

Spreading Smiles in Ashland!

At September’s Garden Club meeting,  members participated in the Club’s 2nd annual Lonely Bouquet Day.  On this day member’s create flower bouquets, then set these bouquets randomly throughout Ashland to be found by strangers and taken home.  The hope is this small act of kindness will add a little happiness to someone’s day.

Daily Tidings: Lonely Bouquets

Check It out !

The Ashland Daily Tidings ran an article about
Ashland Garden Club’s Lonely Bouquet activity!

Read all about it here…http://www.dailytidings.com/news/20161003/ashland-garden-club-lonely-bouquets-for-ashland

The Lonely Bouquet

The Ashland Garden Club celebrated its first Fall meeting on Sept. 12 with a floral design img_0239project designed to bring happiness to the members as well as lucky people in the community.
Members, under the direction of club member Molly Caruthers, created 40 floral arrangements  that were then taken into the community and “abandoned” for others to find and take home.
The program is called The Lonely Bouquet.  Each arrangement had a tag which explained that the bouquet needed a new home and the finder was encouraged to take it home or give to someone of their choice.  Each arrangement also had an attached postcard addressed to the Ashland Garden Club which finders could use to write back to the club to tell us where their bouquet found its new home.  Flowers were from members’ gardens as well as Fry Family Farms, LeMera Gardens, Albertsons and the Enchanted Florist.
The Lonely Bouquet program was begun by Emily Avenson, a young California woman who moved to Belgium and began a floral farm and florist business.  When traveling she would make a small bouquet and put it in a glass jelly jar and abandon it with a tag explaining the Lonely Bouquet concept.  In just a few years the movement has spread all over the world.  The mission is to bring happiness…..one flower at a time.  We hope it will spread much joy in Ashland and the surrounding area!