Feast of Will 2018

Yearly, Ashland Garden Club members donated flowers from their personal gardens to create numerous table arrangements for the Ashland Lions Club annual Feast of Will dinner in Lithia Park.    Members of Ashland Garden Club include (many) master gardeners, a state flower judge, retire florists, professional landscapers, and people who just love flowers and plants!

‘Christmas Bells’

Sandersonia aurantiaca

Sandersonia aurantiaca, a member of the Colchicaceae family, is a native grassland plant in the eastern areas of South Africa.  It’s often called ‘Christmas bells’ because in the southern hemisphere it blooms in December. Sometimes it is also referred to as Chinese Lanterns.  Highly prized for a long-lasting cut flower, New Zealand cultivates them for the cut flower industry.

Spreading Smiles in Ashland!

At September’s Garden Club meeting,  members participated in the Club’s 2nd annual Lonely Bouquet Day.  On this day member’s create flower bouquets, then set these bouquets randomly throughout Ashland to be found by strangers and taken home.  The hope is this small act of kindness will add a little happiness to someone’s day.

Feast of Will: FLOWERS!

Once again member’s of the Ashland Garden Club created beautiful table arrangements using flowers from their personal gardens for the Feast of Will.  Feast of Will is a Lion’s Club’s sponsored event which celebrates the seasonal opening of Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Elizabethan Theater.