Monarchs Rising From the Ash

Written by: Robert Coffan, Southern Oregon Monarch Advocates

Today, I went to Orchard Hills Elementary school to tag and release a couple of wild monarch butterflies. I do this often. It’s always rewarding, and a lot of fun to interact with a class full of wiggling, giggling 1st graders who just can’t wait to raise their hands and answer a question that you have not even asked yet. “Passing the baton” and all that. But today… today was a day like no other. Hunter (7) and his big sister Ellie (10) arrived with their Mom, and they proudly showed me the two monarchs that emerged from their chrysalises the day before. They explained how their Grampa and Gramma had introduced them all to the wonderful magic of the monarch butterfly. And two wonderful teachers were there, Miss Ashley and Miss Jamie. The caterpillars had been found a week or two before, munching away on milkweed in Phoenix Oregon. But that was before The Fire. But where were the other children? Where were Hunter’s little classmates? The school hallways were empty. The boisterous laughter of fifty exuberant 6 and 7-year olds is masked away at the other end of smartphones and laptop monitors. They could only see and hear through the laptop screen and tinny microphone as they sat alone in their own chrysalises- not because of this fire, but because of another kind of fire sweeping through the lands. Three of the children I see in the small rectangular boxes on the faded computer screen are not calling from their homes; they are calling from a motel room. Their homes are gone now. And so, we all did our best to share the “A-ha!” moment of releasing a monarch back into the wild; in the sooty, crumpled, ghostly apocalypse. And, I thought… These two lone monarch caterpillars I hold in my hands have been blissfully unaware. They were safely tucked into their chrysalises just a day before fiery mayhem struck. Ellie and Hunter would not evacuate without them! Protected, they did not feel the burn of horizontal flames screaming with the winds across the streets. They could not hear the explosions of propane tanks as the fires flew through the nearby businesses and the buildings quickly writhed into groaning rubble. They were unaware of the incredible hospitality of the business owner in nearby Ruch who came out into the parking lot at 10:00 at night to tell the 100-plus evacuees who had fled the flames and had to sleep in their cars, that she and her staff would continue to serve food until it was gone and leave the tiny restaurant open all night for use. They left behind the choking smoke and the flashing strobes as our emergency heroes went house to house to evacuate in the darkness. And, they could not see when Hunter and Ellie’s grandparents home in Talent burned to the ground. Yet, here they are today in this quiet ghostly aftermath; these two magnificent creatures who started their lives just days before the mayhem and are now ready to rise and take flight into the blue clarity above. I would like to think that a part of Hunter and Ellie are with them, rising from the ashes like a Phoenix. Aware of what happened, and moving on with renewed strength and resolution. The kiddos named them Isabella and Dusty. One is a boy and one is a girl. Their research tag numbers are E1836 and E1837, respectively. Please watch for them. Please make way for them.And when the electronic screen to the children went blank, and the tinny microphone was turned off, and the thank-yous and goodbyes were over, and I was alone. I let my tears run free at last and mix into the ash at my feet. Our Western Monarchs will survive. They are wild. They are resilient. And they are tougher than we think. The people of Phoenix and Talent in Southern Oregon will survive. We are resilient. We are tougher than you think.
Robert Coffan, Southern Oregon Monarch Advocates
Taking steps to foster future generations of Monarchs                                          The migration continues!
Waystation # 10582

Butterfly Gardens


Monarch Butterfly

Robin McKenzie, Master Gardener and principal designer for Rockbird Gardens, gave an outstanding presentation on Monday at the Ashland Garden Club meeting. Robin specializes in creating sustainable backyard ecosystems for wildlife, and for people. Monday she talked about “Planning and Growing a Butterfly Garden”,  her talking points were:

• Research the items you need to attract butterflies
• Find a sunny garden location. ( 6-8 hrs of sun)
• Create a garden plan for your yard: flowerbeds, raised beds, and/or containers
• Know the timeline needed to create a garden
• Prepare the soil for your plants, add amendments, make sure you have good drainage
• Install borders and hardscape before you plant (*see mud-puddle below)
• Decide your plant choices: purchase and/or grow your plants, then plant according to their specific directions, don’t crowd your plants!


Butterfly Puddle

*Butterflies need water, so make them a mud puddle!
Use a shallow dish such as a plastic or terracotta plant saucer in a sunny area of your garden that is protected from the wind. Fill the bottom of the pan with sand, gravel, and a few small stones, add water to the dampen sand.

Host plants:
Attract more butterflies by having plants for larval food in your yard, for instance:



Milkweed for Monarchs
Tarragon for Swallowtails
Angelica for Anise Swallowtails
Violas for Great Spangled Great Spangled Fritillary
Note: Be prepared for heavy munching on these host plants, these plants are  caterpillar food!

See list of host plants here:

And here….

How to become a Certified monarch Butterfly Station:

Lecture was by Robin McKenzie
Monarch Butterfly image by Simon Koopmann‎ on Wikimedia Commons
Submitted by: Carlotta Lucas



Monarchs and Meadows: Creating Butterfly Gardens

Butterfly Nectar Plants:

Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed

Asters, Milkweeds, Joe Pye Weed, Lantana, Coreopsis, Daisies, Black-eyed Susan, Rue, Marigolds, Zinnias, parsley, Fennel, Purple Coneflower, Verbena, Thistle, Sunflowers, Heliotrope, Lavenders, Sedum, Yarrow, Thyme, Liatris, Cosmos, Galardia, Mallows, Bee Balms,  Marjoram, Oregano.

Butterfly Host Plants (For Caterpillars)

Milkweed, Pearly Everlasting Fennel, Willow Trees, Popular Trees, Mallows, Violets, Pea Family, Cottonwood Trees, Thistle, Goldenrod, Asters, Grasses, Parsley/Carrot Family.

Web Sites: ( North American Butterfly Association)
On this site you can certify your butterfly garden, rate plants as nectar sources or hots plants, and learn about all aspects of butterfly gardening.
You can learn about raising monarchs and treating their diseases.
You can certify your butterfly habitat as an official Monarch Way Station. Starter kits, appropriate for you region for both nectar sources and host plants, can be purchased.

By Janet Rodkey