Tool Time Tune Up

20130706_toolsIt is almost Spring, so it’s time to get your tools ready for gardening. 

Gregg and Karen are offering their tool tune up workshop.

Tool Tune Up
Where: 2209 Talent Ave, Talent, OR
This is Homestead, look for signs & park on the road
When: Saturday, March 14th
Time:  10am to 4pm
(drop by any time between those hours)

What to bring:
Tools to work on
Parts that need replacing (like handles, or blades)
Snacks (for yourself or to share)
Drinks (non-alcoholic)

Workstations will be set up in the barn.
We provide sand paper, files, grinders, wire wheels, sanders, walnut and sesame oil for handles.
There is also a welder for minor repairs that need to be welded.
We’ll have safety glasses and ear plugs, but feel free to bring your own.

This is a free community event, however, donations will be accepted.
See you there!
Karen Taylor