Christmas Cactus

 Scientific Name: Schlumbergera

A Christmas Cactus in full bloom makes an extraordinary gift for gardeners, and non-gardeners, alike.  With proper care a Christmas Cactus is very long lived. The one shown here is over forty years old and still provides an amazing display of flowers every Christmas season.

Christmas Cactus Care:

Light/Temperature:  Prefers a warm location with bright indirect sunlight. Shade it from intense sun and keep the plant away from heater vents, fireplaces and cold drafts.

Soil:  Plant in well draining potting mix made for succulent plants. Its ideal soil is composed of equal parts of garden loam, leaf mold or peat, and clean course sand.

Water:  A Christmas Cactus is a tropical succulent, it is NOT a true cactus, therefore it requires more water than a true cactus. Its watering needs vary with air temperature and humidity, but in general keep the soil just barely moist throughout the year. But, do not over water or the stems will get flabby and droop,  and don’t under water either or the stems will be shriveled and limp. Note: if your plant tends to dry out and/or wilt frequently, then it’s time to re-pot it into a slightly larger container.

Fertilizing: Supply plant with a weak solution of houseplant fertilizer every two weeks.

Flowering:  The secret to good bud production is cool temperatures and extended darkness.

Cool temps: The best temperature for bud development is 55F-61F degrees for a period of 6 weeks.  Start providing cool temps in November for Christmas blooming.

Extended Darkness: The plant also needs 12 hours of darkness every night for 6 weeks.  You can accomplish darkness by covering the plant with a cloth each night or move it into a dark area overnight.  For cactus to bloom at Christmas time, darkness treatment should start in early October. Then, when buds start to appear increase its light exposure.  Do not move the plant when it starts blooming, because it is sensitive to location during this time.

Color:  Flower colors ranges from pink, white, yellow, salmon, fuchsia, red and any combination of these.

Rest time:  In February, after it has bloomed, the plant should have a rest period, so during this month water it sparingly and stop fertilizing.

Re-potting:  A Christmas Cactus blooms better if slightly pot-bound, so re-pot only when needed every 3-4 years.  Re-pot the plant into a slightly bigger pot in the spring when it is not in bloom.

Propagation:  Propagating Christmas cactus is easy. Cut a y-shaped segment off the tip of the plant, this cutting should have 2-3 joined segments.  Allow the cutting to dry for a few hours and then plant it in moist peat & sand soil mix, insert about a quarter of its length below the soil surface. Place it in a well-lit area, avoid direct sunlight and water it sparingly to prevent rotting.  In two or three weeks the cutting should show signs of growth at the tips of its leaves, these are usually reddish in color. Once it has rooted transplant it into a pot.

submitted by Carlotta Lucas


Horticulture Report: Angel’s Blush Hydrangea

Plant Name:  Hydrangea paniculata20160825_083348
Cultivar: Angel’s Blush® Hydrangea
Plant type: Deciduous shrub
Height:   8 to 12 ft. tall, 6 to 10 ft. wide
Bloom Time:  Summer into Fall

Flower Color: 10 inch-long white flower clusters begin in summer, then turn rosy-red as they age in late summer into fall.
Exposure: Part sun /dappled shade
Soil Requirements: No particular to soil or pH needed.
Highly tolerant of urban pollution.

Water Needs:  Moist
Attributes: Long-lasting flowers, Showy colors
Uses: Urban Garden, Woodland Garden, Garden Accent, Container, Cut Garden, Hedge, Mass Planting,
USDA Zone: 4-8


Submitted by: Carlotta Lucas


Paper Cup Seedling Pots

Note: Use only unwaxed paper cups for your seedling pots, so they will decompose when planted in the garden later.

Start your seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost date in your location.

To get Started:

Buy seedling mix, or make your own [it’s cheaper] – See DIY: Seedling Mix Formula, on this Blog. Seedling mix is a soil-less mixture specifically made for sprouting seeds.
20160318_155511_resized_1Poke three to four holes in the bottom of each paper cup.

Fill each paper cup with seed-starting mix, leaving 1/2 inch of space below the top.

Plant two seeds in of each cup. Check seed packet for seed planting depth; each variety is different. Cover seeds with seedling mix.


Sit cups in trays, or boxes, water, then cover trays loosely with sheets of plastic wrap.

This helps keep moist and prevents mix from drying out.

Place in a warm location, after two days, start checking cups daily, water if

Remove the plastic wrap when most of the seeds have sprouted.

Place trays in a warm sunny indoor location. If placed next to a window turn trays regularly for equal sun exposure.

Water on a regular basis, but don’t over water.

two true leavesWhen plants have grown two true leaves, thin by snipping off the weaker plant in each cup.

After the last frost date in your area,  “harden off” your plants before planting

To Harden Off Plants:  Sit plants outside in a protected area for four hours, then bring them back inside. Increase “outdoor time “ by two hours each day. After a week of hardening off, you can plant the starts in your garden.


Horticuture Report: Helleborus

Plant Name: Helleborus orientalis ( Lenten rose)
Plant type: Perennial
Height:   12” – 15”
Bloom Time: February to April
Flower Color: Varies – Purple, Whitish Yellow, Whitish Green, Pink, Burgundy
Exposure: Full Sun in Winter, Partial Shade Rest of the Year
Soil Requirements: Well Drained Soil
Water Needs: Medium
Attributes: Early Bloomer, Deer Resistant , Waterwise plant, Long Bloom Season
Note: Mulch to maintain summer moisture
Uses: Borders, Containers, Mass Plantings, Woodland Garden
USDA Zone: 2-10