Tool Tune-Up Workshop

When: Saturday, Feb 23 2013
Where: 2209 Talent Ave – in the barn behind the house.
Time: 10am to 4pm (drop in at any time – except cleaning up at 4pm)
Cost: It’s Free!…but, a donation box will be set out to help pay for materials
Material provided: Sand paper, oil, files & sharpening stones will be set up at stations for people to work on their own tools.  

Informal instructions will be provided.

Garlands: 2012

November 15th 2012: This morning the garland construction and “hanging” went well with 19 members participating. Our friends, Dave and Andrew, from the Ashland Parks Dept. were very patient with us during the placement of the garlands on the outside of the Community Building and Pioneer Hall as they heard multiple instructions from the sidelines. But, we all agreed in the end and the final addition of the new red velvet bows made by Darlene Fenwick added the perfect touch. The garlands will be up until January 7th, so we decided to forgo the embellishment with red berries. The berries just don’t stay fresh looking for very long, so we decided to just used pine cones this year. We finished up around noon and the weather stayed dry and sunny, for a change. It was a good day!!! (Last year, we had to cut the greens at Pioneer Hall because the community center porch was being painted so we couldn’t hang the garlands until Friday.) No such problem this year.

Jeanne Arago

Photos by: Barbara Bauer

Local Classes: November 2012

Winter Dreams—Summer Gardens
OSU Extension - Jackson County Master Gardener Association
14th Annual Gardening Symposium
 Saturday, November 3, 2012
 RCC Higher Education Center in Medford.
 For information call 541.776.7371
Pruning Japanese Maples for Balance Beauty and Comfort
 Thurs, Nov 29 time 7-8:30 PM
 North Mountain Park Nature Center
 Instructor: Julie Gates
 For information call Ashland Parks & Recreation 541.488.5340

Note: All classes have fees

Annual Garland Workshop on 11/18 (Members only)






Join us for our annual festive GARLAND WORKSHOP on Thursday, November 18th from 9am – 11ish — at the Community Center in Lithia Park.

AGC manufactures approximately 150′ of cedar garland to decorate the facades of the Community Center and Pioneer Hall. Ashland Parks’ staff supply the cedar and help us install.

This project Pays AGC’s Yearly RENT! All Hands On Deck the Halls!

What to bring: Gloves, clippers, wire cutters! And jacket — baby it’s cold outside!

For more information talk to event chair JEANNE ARAGO

(Bring baked goodies if you’re so inclined. Check with Jeanne. She’ll put the coffee on…)

This is a members only event.