Oregon Native Plant: Rudbeckia hirta

Plant Name:  Rudbeckia hirta
Common name:  Black-eyed Susan
Plant Type:  Annual or Short-Lived Herbaceous Perennial
Plant Height: 2’ – 3’
Spread:  1’ – 2’
Bloom Time: June to September
Flower Color: Yellow to Orange-Yellow Rays with Dark Brown Centers
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Requirements:  Well Drained; Moist & Organically Rich.
Water Needs: Medium;
Attributes:  Showy Flowers; Attracts Butterflies; Deer Tolerant; Drought Tolerant; Birds enjoy Ripe Seeds; Pollen & Nectar Source for Bees & Butterflies. 
Note: Usually a short lived perennial; deadhead to encourage additional blooms; at end of season let freely self seed; Susceptible to Powdery Mildew. 
Uses: Borders; Cottage Gardens; Wild Gardens; Mass Plantings.
Native to:  Most of North America
Oregon Native:   YES
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 – 7

Report Viki Ashford

Photo by: Carlotta Lucas