Horticulture Report
Plant Name: Viburnum ellipticum
Common name: Oregon Viburnum
Plant type: Deciduous Shrub
Height: 3’ – 11’
Spread: 6’ – 10’
Bloom Time: May – June
Flower Color: White
Exposure: Sun to Part Shade
Water Needs: Prefer semi-moist, but will tolerant dry
Attributes: Supports Pollinators; Pest-eating insects & birds; 3-Season; Fall berries for birds.
Interest: Showy flowers, Red leaves in fall and blue-black Berries
Note: Tolerates seasonal flooding & drought. Grows along stream banks.
Uses: As a Screen or Background Plant, Use along high banks of creeks, margins of wet areas, and at edges of trees
Native to: Washington & Oregon west of the Cascades
Oregon Native: YES
USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-9
- photos by: Oregon State University
Report Submitted by: Viki Ashford