According to a study in Japan, mosquitoes are attracted to people with blood type “0”
more than any other blood types. They also discovered mosquitoes identify blood types though skin secretions before they pierce the skin. No matter what blood type you are, mosquitoes are a nuisance to everyone this time of year. Below are a few suggestions which may help you keep mosquitoes at bay.
Eliminate standing water throughout your property! Look for standing water in strange places like a hole in a tree, clogged gutters, empty pots & saucers, wheelbarrows, gardening buckets, tarps covering lawn furniture & mowers, plastic bags, old tires, discarded bottle tops, low places in your yard where water can pool.

Plant Repellents: These plants reportedly repel mosquitoes: Citronella, Lavender, Feverfew, Catnip, Rosemary, and Pennyroyal Mint. So, plant them in containers on your deck & patio and throughout your flowerbeds.

Essential Oils: Apply a combo of these essential oils to your skin: Lavender, Tree Tea oil, Citronella, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Clove, Peppermint, Rose Geranium, and Pennyroyal Mint.
Tip: Try tossing some Rosemary stems, or Lavender on your grill while barbecuing, it not only flavors your food, but it could keep away mosquitoes, too.
Mosquito Dunks: Dunks are bacterial insecticide, which kills mosquitoes, but is not harmful to birds, or other wildlife. Put them in pot saucers, fountains, and birdbaths to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in them.
Predators: Conserve healthy habitats for natural predators like bats, dragonflies, spiders and fish. Place a Bat house in your yard and…leave those spiders alone! Mosquitoes are Arachnids’ favorite food; they eat hundreds every night like Bats.
Birdbaths: To prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your birdbath, change the water regularly, and/or buy an agitator to keep the water moving. You can put Mosquito Dunks in birdbaths, too; it is not harmful to birds
Make a Trap: Fill a small container with water, add soda pop or fruit juice, then some drops of liquid soap. This will trap fruit flies, too
Use Fans: Mosquitoes are weak flyers! Place a fan in your outside sitting area to blow mosquitoes away.
Cover up! Wearing lightweight long sleeves, pants, and shoes makes it harder for mosquitoes to bite you. Also choose light colored clothes, like whites, pastels, and tans, because mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.
Good Luck! ~Carlotta Lucas