Check out Heirloom Garden
We enjoyed reading John Darling’s Feb. 2 [Daily Tidings] story about the soon-to-open Ashland Creek Park and his mention of the many other Ashland parks adopted by other community organizations and individuals. I’d like to add one other community garden to that list, which is the Heirloom Garden at North Mountain Park.
Inspired by gardens from the late 1800s, this particular garden was largely designed by Ashland Garden Club members in the late 1990s, and is solely maintained year-round by our members. According to Linda Chesney, Stewardship Coordinator at North Mountain Park, “The Heirloom Garden is really the front door of the entire park as its entrance is right on the Mountain Avenue entrance.”
Like other service organizations, AGC serves our community in other ways, including but not limited to the following:
- At club meetings from October to May, we offer free programs open to the public about various aspects of gardening.
- We fund both a high school and SOU scholarship (with money raised from our annual plant sale in May).
- We do all floral arrangements for the annual Feast of Will (with all flowers donated by club members from their gardens).
- We participate in gardening and environmental programs at the regional, state and national levels.
Anyone wanting more information can check out our website at And we’re always looking for new members!
Susan Zane, President
Ashland Garden Club
Published in the Daily Tidings 2/10/2015