I start seeds in the clamshells you purchase spinach or salad in from the grocery store.
I drill holes in these containers top and bottom, add growing medium, sow the seeds, set up a “self watering” tray system [self-watering trays are double trays: bottom tray has no holes, and the top container or tray has holes], cover the seeds, then place trays on a heated mat [mat for plants].

Here I am starting speckled peas in a seed growing medium. [It’s important to use a good soil less growing medium. Some people use hemp fiber or coconut fiber growing mats]
I put weight on the seeds and keep them in the dark for a few days until they sprout, then I expose them to light.
It’s important to maintain even moisture; do not allow growing medium to dry out.

I do the same with sunflower seeds. I start in seeds in growing medium in the dark and put weight on them, this way they make stronger roots and don’t dislodge each other. Then I expose them to light.

Below are Pea Shoots ready for harvest

Mung beans sprouts: I keep them in the dark so they get longer

Radish sprouts: Next time I will let them grow longer.

Sunflowers growing on a heat mat under lights, ready to harvest.

Instructions & Pictures by Goly Ostovar, AGC Member