Plant name: Dahlia
Plant type: Tuberous flowers; biennial tubers are planted in the spring
Height: Large: 3-4 feet, Medium: 1-2 feet, Small: 10-20 inches
Spread: Varies with variety
Bloom Time: Summer, fall
Flower Color: Orange, Pick, Purple, Red, White, Yellow, and Multi-color
Exposure: Full Sun. (6-8 hours of morning sun is best)
Soil Requirements: Sandy Loam
Water Needs: Moist to Moderate
Attributes: Large flamboyant flowers
Notes: Will not tolerate frost. Not suited for hot/humid climates.
Tubers struggle in cold soil, plant after ground temperatures reach 60o F
Tubers typically dug in the fall, stored for winter, replanted in late spring. Uses: Display Gardens, Cut flowers, Late-season color, To “wow” your neighbors & friends!
Native to: South America Andes
USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-10