Oregon Native Plant: Rudbeckia glaucescen

Plant Name:  Rudbeckia glaucescens
Common name:  Waxy Coneflower
Plant Type:  Perennial
Plant Height: 3’ – 4’
Bloom Time: July to September
Flower Color: Yellow
Exposure: Full Sun.
Soil Requirements:  Moist.
Water Needs: Regular.
Attributes:  Nectar & Pollen Source for Bees, Butterflies, Moths.
Note: Deadheading prolongs bloom time.
Uses: Native/Wildflower Gardens; Stream side.
Native to:  California & Oregon
Oregon Native:   YES
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 – 9

Report by: Viki Ashford, AGC Member

Oregon Natives

Plant Name: Philadelphus lewisii20170607_152255
Common Name:  Lewis’ mock-orange
Plant type: Deciduous shrub
Height: 6- 10 feet
Spread:   3-4 feet
Bloom Time:  Late Spring & Early Summer
Flower Color: White
Exposure:  Full Sun to Partial Shade
Soil Requirements: Will grow in poor soils
Water Needs: Medium, but Drought tolerate
Attributes:   Highly Fragrant Flowers!
Scent similar to orange blossoms
Rarity: Wide spread native, but not common.
Uses: Native plantings, Xeriscaping, Fragrant Garden
Native to: Western N. America – British Colombia , Washington, Oregon, California, East to Montana
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-10

Photo by: Carlotta Lucas
Date: June 7, 2017
Location: Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

Horticulture Report: Native Iris

Siskiyou Iris

Rarity: Uncommon


Siskiyou Iris

Flowering Time: Late Spring
Flower Color: Large, pale-cream to deep golden-yellow flowers, with prominent reddish-brown or purple lines. .
Life Cycle: Perennial
Height: 12 inches
Found In: Klamath – Siskiyou Mountains of SW Oregon & NW California
Native: Yes
Habitat: Found among pine needles in shaded areas in dry pine forest, or in meadows in the shade of large shrubs, or bracken ferns.

Photo by: Carlotta Lucas
Taken: June 7, 2017
Location: Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

Cascade-Siskiyou Wildflowers

Southern Oregon Wildflowers

Here are a few pictures of the many wildflowers currently (June 24, 2012)  blooming roadside by Fish Lake( Hwy 37), Howard Prairie Lake, Hyatt Lake and Little Hyatt Lake.

Gilia capitata (Blue Field Gilia)
Camassia quamash (Common Camas)
Castilleja hispida ( Short-lobed Indian Paintbrush)
Dicentra formosa (Bleeding Hearts)
Penstemon laetus ( Mountian Blue Penstemon)
Zigadenus venenosus (Meadow Death Camas)
Tragopogon dubius (Goatsbeard)
Calochortus tolmiei    (Tolmie’s Pussy Ears)
Allium siskiyouense (Siskiyou Onion)
 Corallorrhiza mertensiana(Western Coral-Root Orchid)
Balsamorhiza deltoidea (Northwest Balsamroot)

Photo by: Carlotta Lucas
(all rights reserved)