OSFGC Certificate of Appreciation
- A Certificate of Appreciation is given for Outstanding Participation at the state level.
- The OSFGC Board of Directors decides the recipient.
OSFGC Book of Friendship
- The Book of Friendship is a way to recognize & honor AGC members for outstanding service to our garden club.
- The Board chooses a recipient, then ten dollars is donated to the state garden club for a Book of Friendship certificate. The state puts this money toward the state’s Claire Hanley Scholarship Fund for Horticulture Students.
OSFGC Claire Hanley Life Membership
- Retiring club presidents are presented with a life membership in the state garden club.
National Garden Club Life Membership
- Given for Outstanding Participation at the state level.
- OSFGC Board of Directors decides recipient.
Memorial Bricks at N. Mt. Park & OSFCC Book of Remembrance
- Remembrance of members who have devoted significant service to the Ashland Garden Club.
Honorary Membership
- Nominations may be made by any member of the club to honor our most senior members with dues-free membership. The Past Presidents’ Council forwards this nomination to the Board.