North Mountain Park Heirloom Gardeners workday in the gardens.

Photos provided by Lynn McDonald
The Ashland Garden Club’s Heirloom Gardeners met at North Mountain Park to sort, clean, and package seeds for Ashland Parks & Recreation’s annual seed swap to be held on February 2nd from 7-8 PM at North Mountain Park’s Nature Center. The seed swap is free and open to all ages.
Ashland Garden Club members mulching the Heirloom Garden at North Mountain Park
These photos were submitted to the City of Ashland for the time-capsule being buried in the plaza.
by: Carlotta Lucas
Seed Swap
At the North Mountain Park’s seed swap you can save money, grow plants adapted to our local climate and exchange information with other gardeners. It’s fun and simple—just bring seeds you’ve saved from your garden and some bags or envelopes for taking seeds with you. The Nature Center will also be selling low-cost seed, harvested at the park by volunteers.
Pre-registration is not required
AGES: All ages welcome
DAY: Tuesday
DATE: February 5th, 2013
TIME: 7—8pm
PLACE: North Mountain Park Nature Center
COST: Free
INSTRUCTOR: North Mountain Park Staff