Category Archives: How to…
Gardening Tips: Gladiolus
*Marjorie’s Burgundy Gladiolus!
Dividing Gladiolus Bulbs
Gently pull out of the ground and let them dry. See the very bottom bulb with the white roots? This is the “mother”, she has produced three big babies. After the plants dry, separate babies from the mother; sadly, the mother gets thrown out. Store baby bulbs in a paper bag where then can stay dry and be kept above freezing. Replant in the spring. ~Melody Jones, AGC Member
Member, *Marjorie Hoeft, shared gladiolus bulbs with other members at a club meeting.
Photos by: Melody Jones
Orchid Care
Orchid Growing Tips
How to Overwinter Dahlias
Video by Gardener’s Supply Company
Chelsea Chop
From Fine Gardening August 2019
“What is it?
The Chelsea Chop is a method of pruning that limits the size, controls the flowering season, and often decreases the flopping of a number of herbaceous perennials.”
Read all about it here….
What’s the Deal with the Chelsea Chop?