Certificate of Appreciation: Gena Goddard
Oregon State Federation Garden Club Claire Hanley Life Members (OSFGC): ( Past AGC Presidents)
Flora Laslovich, Liz Bailey, Hildegard von Fuchs, MaryAnne Wallace, Jan DeBritto
Jeanne Arago, Gena Goddard, Darlene Fenwick, Karen Jones, Marilyn Love, Susan Zane.
Other Past Presidents honored: Donna Rhee, Micheal Dawkins, Joanie Kintscher
OSFGC Book Friendship: Jean Grover, Karen Jones, Melody Jones, Viki Ashford, Lyn Levin, Kathy Matthews, Carlotta Lucas
National Garden Club Life Member: Hildegard von Fuchs
In Memory: 
North Mountain Park Memorial Brick – In remembrance for those who have donated significant time & service to the Ashland Garden Club:
Leona Hoover, Hildegard von Fuchs, Marybell Heineman, Valorie DeVennney, Viola Squire, Mary Ann Giles, Virginia Westerfield, Joe Fenwick, Rose Werth, Jean Grover, Mary Anne Wallace (Bench & Rhododendron), Pirrko Silfwersvard, Darlene Fenwick, Louise Shawkat, Michael Dawkins
OSFGC Book of Remembrance: Bill Dietz, Lois Thomas, Ron Bombick, Susan Lander