Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus)

Schlumbergera is a small genus of cacti native to the coastal mountains of Brazil. These cacti are not desert dwellers, but are shade loving “epiphytes”, meaning they grow on the surface of other plants and get moisture and nutrients from the air, rain and debris accumulating around it.  Schlumbergeras grow on tree branches in Brazilian coastal forests where the humidity is high.

Schlumbergera are also known as Christmas Cactus, but there are actually several Schlumbergera species:  Thanksgiving Cactus, Schlumbergera truncata, which blooms in late fall, Christmas Cactus, Schlumbergera bridgesii, which blooms in mid to late December, and Easter Cactus, which blooms in early spring, but care for all of them is the same.  What’s amazing about Schlumbergeras is they can live to be 100 years when  cared for properly!


Light Exposure:  Schlumbergera like bright indirect light, never place in direct sunlight or they will burn.
Temperature: Prefer daytime temperatures of 65F-70F degrees, and nighttime temperatures of 55F-65F degrees.
Pest & Disease: Watch for Fungus gnats and Root rot
USDA Hardiness Zones: 9-11 to grow outdoors but in all other zones it’s a houseplant

Plants grow best when pot-bound, but after two or three years they need re-potted.  Re-pot plant only after it has bloomed, then move it into a slightly larger pot. Schlumbergeras roots can easily rot if the soil is too wet, so the pot must have good drain holes and be planted in a lightweight well-draining soil mix.  Potting soils for cactus & succulents are readily available at garden centers, or you can make your own.

Below are four suggested Schlumbergera cactus soil recipes:

A. 1/2 potting soil, 1/4 horticultural perlite, 1/4 orchid bark.
B. 1/3 Coconut Coir, 1/3 horticultural perlite, 1/3 fine fir bark.
C. 1/3 soil-less potting soil, 1/3 horticultural perlite, 1/3 pine bark nuggets.
D.  2/3 balanced PH potting soil with perlite, 1/3 sand

Water & Fertilizer:
Water only when the top one or two inches of soil is dry. Water enough to soak the soil, but let it dry out before watering again.

Schlumbergeras like high humidity, so place the pot in a tray of pebbles to collect water, but don’t let the pot sit in a pool of water to avoid root rot. Placing the cacti beside other plants can provide it with higher humidity, too.

Use houseplant fertilizer 20-20-20, or 20-10-20. Feed plants monthly with half-strength diluted fertilizer spring through summer to ensure blooms around the holidays, once buds appear fertilize every two weeks with diluted solution of fertilizer. Allow plants to rest after blooming by holding off fertilizing them for 3 months.


Prune plant to keep it balanced. Cut off leggy sections between stem segments. These stem cuttings can be rooted to make new plants.   Place a cutting in a pot with good soil, and keep moist, it should root in 2 weeks. These rooted cuttings make great gifts.

NOTE: According to PetMD, Schlumbergeras are non-toxic to house pets

                                                                Carlotta Lucas’ 45-year-old Christmas Cactus

Article by: Carlotta Lucas, AGC Member