Horticulture Report: Edgeworthia chrysantha

Plant Name: Edgeworthia  chrysantha


Edgeworthia chrysantha Akebono photo courtesy of Roozitaa & Wikimedia

Cultivar: Akebono
Common Name:  Paperbush
Plant type: Deciduous Shrub
Height:   5’ – 6’
Bloom Time: February – March
Flower Color:  Red/Orange
Exposure:  Part Shade or Shade
Soil Requirements: Moisture-retentive, Fertile Loamy Soil
Water Needs: Medium
Attributes: Winter Interest, Tubular Fragrant Flowers borne on bare stems,
Silky Silver Buds
Note: Related to Daphnes, Inner bark used in China to make quality papers. Winter hardy to below 0 degrees F.
Uses: Woodland gardens, Shady borders, Collector’s Specimen Planting, Ornamental, Used to make paper.
USDA Zone: 7b -10b

Other Varieties:
*Edgeworthia chrysantha Snow Cream Papberbush – Winter hardy  USDA Zones 7b-10bchrysantha_paperbark

*Edgeworthia papyrifera  Nanjing Gold Paperbush –  USDA Zones 8-10