The lovingly tended Victorian house at 386 B Street, at the corner of Third, is now surrounded by colorful gardens. After purchasing the 1886 house in 2011, the current homeowners replanted the front in 2013 with design and labor by Banyan Tree Landscape and the back in 2014 with partial design and labor by Sage Hill Landscape. But the gardeners who live there are having fun developing the gardens themselves.
The gorgeous colors in the front and side, including an extra wide planting strip
between the sidewalk and Third Street were chosen to blend with paint colors of the house—blues, pinks, purples, and whites. They were also chosen to provide color throughout the early spring through late fall, with heather blooming first, then lobelia, then phlox, and finally germander and thyme. Dwarf daphne, lave
nder, and Santa Barbara daisy add to the colorful display in season. They have also added trees; peely-bark maple, crepe myrtle, Japanese maple, redbud, magnolia, and dogwood—a few of which are still struggling to get thoroughly established. All of the plantings outside the fence are drought-tolerant and deer-resistant.
There are recirculating water features in front and back, statues of Buddha and Mary, metal sculpture cranes, and other eye-catching elements throughout the garden.
Older, larger trees on the property include box elder, walnut, and cedar. They have added olive trees at the side and back. Near their guest cottage, there is a gorgeous smoke tree (cotinus “Golden Spirit”) in a huge pot with oregano that spills over the side later in the season. In the side-back area executed by Sage Hill Landscaping, they have added arborvitae to increase privacy and also passion vine, pomegranate, Phormium atropurpureum, Stipa tenuissima, hops, Agastache “Firebird,” Salvia “Hot Lips.”
by Carol Walker