It’s tempting to suggest that you rush to see the front garden at 745 Park Street immediately because the colors are so vivid right now and everything looks healthy and fresh. But it often looks great because it has been so well planned.
The homeowners have been serious about their gardens for 15 of the 17 years they have been in the house. Initially, they had design and installation help in the back garden from Carol’s Colors. In 2003 they met landscape designer Sharon Creek Siewert, whose practical and creative design ideas have transformed both the front and back. Sharon ’s husband, Steve Siewert, also offers a variety of horticultural services. Dubbed the “Tree Whisperer,” he saved the blue spruce in the front yard after it was blown over in a windstorm–among other significant contributions. Kai Van Aken oversees garden management and weekly maintenance.
They have successfully screened the view of an apartment house over the back fence by planting Leland
cypress, deodar cedars, and a giant sequoia, all of which are thriving, in a back area they call “the woods.” Also in the back garden adjacent to the wood deck is a charming corner known as the Japanese garden with specimen rocks, a tiny stone bridge, azalea, and lacy Japanese maple.
Flowers currently in bloom in front include roses, rudbeckia, heather,
gaura, penstemon, and salvia. Other times of year, peonies, Dutch and Japanese iris, and lavender abound. A crepe myrtle is on the verge of bursting forth. When they moved in 17 years ago, the front garden was largely juniper.
In addition to the woods and Japanese garden in back, there is a lovely terraced area anchored by a large locust that shades the back deck and patio, plus dogwood, fig and apple trees. Also rhododendrons, more roses, fuchsias, rosemary, gladiolas, erigeron, crocosmia, barberry, hostas, yarrow, photinia, and many more beautiful plants. Annuals impatiens and snapdragons provide seasonal color.
This garden is an unexpected treat in a dry (and this year smokey) month.
— Ruth Sloan
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