These photos were submitted to the City of Ashland for the time-capsule being buried in the plaza.
Potluck – N. Mt. Park
AGC Worker Bees!
Lithia Park Planting
Planting Lithia Park
Lithia Park FLOWERS!
Rose Werth’s 90th Birthday!
Flowers for Feast of Will
Feast of Will
Flower Arranging – F.W.
Making Arrangments FW
Creating Arrangements FW
180 Arrangements
Cutting Greens
Making Garlands
AGC Crew
Garland clean up
Community Center Garland
Pioneer Hall Garland
Succulent Bowls Workshop
AGC Annual Plant Sale
Lots of plants for sale
Annual plant sale
Darlene & Jeanne
Plant Sale Customers
Melody- loading up plants
Nature Center- N. Mt. Park
AGC Heirloom Gardeners
AGC Heirloom Gardeners
AGC Heirloom Gardeners
by: Carlotta Lucas
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