450 Lit Way:
Shannon Wolff’s beautiful garden at 450 Lit Way has been a fourteen year process. Shannon is the third generation in her family to garden in Ashland. Her grandfather moved here in the 1940s and raised vegetables on land behind the Presbyterian Church. Her mother has always had a garden, and still does, and Shannon continues her mother’s tradition of planting daphne as close to the entry of the house as possible.
When Shannon moved into her house, the roses were already growing, but not much else. Her former husband built the raised bed for vegetables on the right side of the front yard. Other than that, Shannon has done all the planning, planting, and weeding in her organic garden herself with occasional help from her son, Sam, and her daughter, Gracie, both students at Ashland High School. Shannon’s garden reflects the fact that children grew up here. A birch tree in the front lawn has a wonderful fort in it. Her daughter used to make potions from the lavender and mint still growing in abundance in the middle garden. The swing set allows a great view of the vegetable garden.
Pasque flowers (Pulsatilla) are a favorite of Shannon’s, and she has a wonderful collection, many of them from Kathy Allen’s rock garden in Central Point. Another favorite is the jasmine that covers a trellis outside the kitchen door, creating a wonderful, and delightfully scented, place to relax after a long day of teaching at the John Muir School.
The daylilies in the front yard came from a farm Shannon visited in New England about ten years ago. They’re not blooming yet, so be sure to walk by again in June!
Shannon’s garden, including the middle garden (not visible from the street) which is brimming with strawberries, rhubarb, spring bulbs, flowering trees and shrubs, will be open for viewing from
10:00 AM till Noon Sunday, May 6th.
10:00 AM till Noon Sunday, May 6th.
submitted by: Terry Tobey