Favorite Flowers of Tasha Tudor

From: Tasha Tudor’s Garden Ashland Garden Club Book Club: January Reading

Green house: Orange Jasmine (Murryana exotica), Clivias, Canary Island Broom (Cytisus canariensis), Acacia, Primrose, pelargoniums, rosemary standards, camellias

Early Spring: Snow drops, crocus, scilla, chionodoxa

Forced Bulbs: Paper whites, ‘Tete-a-Tete’ narcissus, ‘Minnow’ narcissus, tulips, lily of the valley, not forsythia

Primrose: Auricula, Barnhaven, ‘Juliana’ hybrids, ‘Cowichan’

Daffodils/narcissus: ‘King Alfred’, ‘Cheerfulness’, ‘Tete a Tete’, ‘Minnow’, ‘Irish Moon’/ Narcissus poeticus ‘plena’

Tulips: ‘Beauty Queen’ (salmon colored), ‘Apricot Beauty’, ‘Peerless Pink’, ‘Elizabeth Arden’, ’Lafayette”, (blue), Mrs. John T. Scheepers’ (blue/yellow)

Peonies: ‘Festiva Maxima’, ‘Mother’s Chooice’, ‘Nick Shaylor’, ‘Sarah Bernhardt’

Roses: David Austin hybrids, ‘Heritage’, ‘Mary Webb’ (yellow), ‘Maiden’s Blush’, York and Lancaster, Konigin von Danemark’, Rosa canina

Misc: Bleeding Hearts, Crown Imperials, Mock Orange, Weigela, violas, Forget-,Me-Nots, Lilacs, Crab Apple Trees, Azaleas, English Bluebells, Rocket,


Lupines, oxeye daisy, Dame’s Rocket, St. John’s wort, yellow clover, black eyed Susan and Echinacea, Wild strawberries, White valerian, lady’s mantle thalictrum, fragrant alyssum, cinnamon pinks, Nepeta, lamb’s ears, delphinium, lettuce poppy, cleomes, feverfew, hollyhocks, sweet peas, Shasta Daisy, iris, Sidalcea, white dragonhead (Phystegia)

Annuals: verbena, geranium (pelargoniums), pansies heliotrope, petunias,

Miniature Rose: ‘The Fairy’ (pink), ‘Rise and Shine’ (yellow)

Vines: clematis tangutica, honeysuckle, Clematis paniculata, wisteria

Lilies: Lilium regale, ‘Black Dragon’, oriental hybrids, Asiatic hybrids,

Raspberries: ‘Latham’, ‘September Gold’

Peaches: Elwyn Meader’s ‘Reliance